Now, let’s proceed to the qPCR.
Note: When performing the following steps, only use filtered tips and wear gloves!
OVERVIEW - Make sure you understand the information below before proceeding to the experiment. The procedure will be performed in successive steps :
The first step will be to produce a “Master mix” for each primer pair (= each gene) that is analyzed. These three mixes will all contain everything required for the qPCR, EXCEPT the cDNAs. The second step will be to divide this mix into three tubes : one for the amplification of the gene in the control sample, another for the amplification of the gene in the tested sample, and the last one will be used as a blank control. The third step will be to add the correct sample to these tubes : - 1. the control cDNA ; - 2. The mutant’s cDNA ; - 3. Water in the control tube. Finally, these mixes will be used to load the PCR.
First, prepare and annotate three 1,5 ml Eppendorf tubes. Each of these tubes will contain a specific qPCR mix, corresponding to any of the 3 genes (two reference genes + one candidate gene) that you will analyze. The tubes will thus be:
For each of these tubes, the mix consists in (DO NOT ADD THE cDNA at this step):
Slightly vortex and centrifuge the mix.
Annotate the PCR tubes in which the mixes will be spread. Let’s use tube 1 as an example :
Add the following volumes of the mix from Tube 1 to the tubes:
Proceed in the same way for the mixes 2 and 3. You should thus have 9 tubes.
Now, we have to add the cDNAs to our samples:
Vortex and centrifuge the mixes.
Your mixes are ready to be loaded in the 384-well plate: Load all your samples on one row (=1 ligne/groupe). Write on the page near the plate which row you used and which genes correspond to tubes 1, 2, and 3. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, AS WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO KNOW WHICH SAMPLE WAS LOADED AT WHICH POSITION IN ORDER TO LAUNCH THE qPCR. Any change in the sample order should also be noted here, but try to keep it to a minimum.
Add 10 µl of the mix, the triplicates following each other :
After all groups have loaded their mixes, the plate will be covered with a transparent plastic to avoid any evaporation during the qPCR process.
The last step is to launch the qPCR using the following program :
After the end of the amplification, the machine will perform an extra step, which will help determine whether the amplification we performed was specific or not. For this purpose, it will perform the following steps :
Note : to know to which gene of interest your primers correspond, you can refer to the image below: